Wacky Casino

The idea of Wacky Casino started around 2015. I started working on iOS applications at my day job, on an existing objective – c code base. Swift was on version 2.x, and I wanted to start learning it in my spare time. I try to write down silly app ideas each day ‘idea a day’ to keep my self brain storming. I was watching the move National Lampoons Vegas Vacation, the scene where Eddie takes Clark to a ‘off the strip’ casino that had these wacky games, ro-sham-bo, pick a hand, coin toss, etc. Thus the app idea began.

With an idea in place I started researching and downloading other casino type apps. This was not my typical game genre. I stubbled upon a few popular ones that gave me some more inspiration and the first concept app began. I was not after design and mainly wanted to learn the Swift language outside of tutorials. I never intended on publishing the app.

Fast forward to 2019 where I began working on Swift at my day job full time. I wanted to release a self published app and decided I would re visit Wacky Casino. I started it from scratch with Swift 5, giving it some more features and a cleaner design. I wanted to get some experience with StoreKit and decided to add in app purchases and also GameKit with leaderboard integration.

I enjoyed creating the application and learned a lot along the way.


Danny Copeland

Software Developer - iOS


Danny Copeland

Software Developer - iOS
